Thursday, July 8, 2010

Barley the Barn Owl and the real deal

I have been attempting to needle felt. I have a selection of note cards, one of which bears the precious face of Barley.
So, I started to felt a little owl sitting atop a rock, with Barley as my model.

The photo of Barley is by the extremely gifted Catherine Patek of CatCanPaint. Cat not only photographs, but paints, and her artwork is available at her shop, printed on high quality cards - just lovely and joyous.
Her art, the paintings, the photos, as I hold them in my hand, it is a glimpse of the real deal...the real deal....♥

Wise Old Owl

"In Western cultures owls are typically seen as symbols of wisdom. Like other creatures in God’s creation, they perform the tasks that God designed them to do and bring glory to His name in the process (Psalm 148:7–13).

This magnificent bird with all his unique features is a clear testimony to the wisdom and care of the eternal Creator God, who designed the owl for success in a fallen world...." excerpt from article by Dan Breeding, read more here.

I did not know the real deal, until I went looking...and then He had been with me all along....but, had let me do my own thing, until it was time to accept His gift, His life in exchange for my life, my way.

He saved Barley - Barley has always been innocent, but suffered for sin. We are not innocent - and we can't escape it ~ we need someone to do it for us. He did.


  1. Barley is precious! You have done a great job!

  2. Wonderful job! I love the owl!

  3. hey he's very cute,
    and a good likeness

  4. Thank you very much for your comments :O)!!

  5. Kippy-this is great! Such a good lead into the REAL DEAL! And your little felty is looking awesome!!

  6. Yay for your needle felting! I'm impressed. I love the process of needle felting. I have a long way to go in making my pieces more "finished", but I'm enjoying the journey of the process...
    I've missed our chats...just want you to know that I think of you and pray for you often. You are a gem that God brought into my life.

  7. wow - thank you very, very much ♥


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